Required Field Player Equipment (applies to all age levels):
- Girl's Lacrosse Stick
- Must adhere to Rule 2, Section 2 and meet the manufacturers specifications (Appendix B)
- Legal Stick List
- Must adhere to Rule 2, Section 2 and meet the manufacturers specifications (Appendix B)
- Goggles
- Meets the current ASTM standard for women's lacrosse eyewear
- SEI certified and bears the SEI mark
- SEI website
- Mouth guard
- Must be a visible color other than clear or white
- Self-molding or custom-molded (from dentist)
- Any non-metal spiked cleats
Optional Equipment:
- Gloves
- Must be close-fitting & should be comfortable for player while holding a stick
- Headgear
- Meets ASTM standard for women's lacrosse headgear and has permanent SEI certification mark)
- If it includes integrated eyewar, it must also meet that current ASTM standard
Required Goalie Equipment (applies to all age levels):
*In addition to the above Mouth guard
- Helmet
- Statement/seal indicating it meets NOCSAE lacrosse standard
- Performance specification and SEI certified
- Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Covers frong torso, neckline to below navel
- Starting 2021, must wear goalkeeper chest protectors which meet the NOCSAE ND200 lacrosse standards at the time of manufacture)
- Goalie Gloves
- Hand must be fully inserted in glove
- Includes goalie specific additional thumb protection
- Leg Pads
- Must protect shins & thighs
- May not use field hockey goalie pads
- Must protect shins & thighs
- Pelvic and Abdominal Protection
- Goalie Crosse
- Must adhere to Rule 2 Section 3, Appendix B
- Legal Stick List
*For additional Guidelines and specifications, please see the USA Lacrosse Equipment Web page and/or the NOCSAE Website